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What's going on in 2015?

semi lee / 2015-03-04

The first day of 2015 was just like yesterday, but it is already March. I can't believe it. 
Time flies. I also want to fly together with the time, but it seems I am walking slowly.
Luckily my French is getting a bit better slowly even I do not study much. While I am trying to speak in French, the kids, they are talking in English to me. I guess they run when I walk.

How about Baduk? I feel the world of Baduk develops quite quickly. There are things going on over the world. The EGF (European Go Federation) is just about to have their 2nd qualification for EGF professionals. The qualification is going to be held in Pisa, Italy from the 6th~8th of 2015, which means in two days! And this April, there will be a big tournament in Berlin, Germany which is called ''European Go Grand Slam Tournament". The first prize for the champion is ¢æ 10.000! Very interesting events are coming soon. 

This year, The KABA (Korea Amatuer Baduk Association) plans to invite and teach 10 talented foreign youth players. This is one of the projects that have been discussed in Korea as one of the most effective ways of spreading Baduk.

Things discussed and planned like a dream is actually being real. How exciting it is!
Let's see, enjoy and support the new plans. We may have a day soon when everyone knows Baduk.

I will come soon with a new article writing about the EGF's pro system and their supports. 
A bientot!

Written by Semi Lee
* photo from 2nd European Pro Qualification 2015 website

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