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8 million Baduk fans are furious! Recover Baduk budget cut which prevents Baduk development!

Lee, Semi / 2024-01-31

A general rally of Korean Baduk players to denounce the reduction of total amount for Baduk in 2024 annual budget was held in front of the Ministry of Economy and Finance in January 17.

About 100 Baduk players including Mr. Bong-su Jung, Korea Baduk Federation (KBF) president, participated in the rally despite the inclement weather.

Mr. Jung said, "The budget for Baduk has been spent on meaningful works to develop Korean Baduk, such as fostering students and adult players in the mid- to long-term infrastructure project and distributing it to the vulnerable, but if the amount is cut 100%, it is inevitable every project should be stopped afterwards.", adding, "Thus, we urge the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, and the Korean Olympic Committee to make a wise decision by withdrawing the mistake."

KBF had been holding many projects to expand Baduk distribution and infrastructure, and creating a healthy living sports ecosystem in Korea with the budget support. However, the controversy should arise at the end of last year when it was suddenly notified of a 'complete cut in the government budget for Baduk'.

It is quite unusual in the sports world that an organization which had received government supports for years is suddenly notified of a '100% cut of budget', even not  a partial cut. It seems to cause great controversy in the near future.

The Ministry of Economy, and Finance (MEF) recently notified to cut the whole budget for Baduk services such as its distribution, infrastructure expansion, and healthy ecosystem of sports of all for every Baduk player, which have been managed by KBF.
The budget for Baduk services is a priceless resource used to distribute Baduk for the vulnerable and popularization of Baduk, training players, and a lot of Baduk competitions for Baduk players.

In particular, if the rumor that some MEF personages collude to cut Baduk budget with a malicious purpose is true, it is an obvious collusion which should be punished as a serious crime.
Therefore, all national Baduk Associations strongly urge thorough investigation about the related rumor with 8 million Korean Baduk players and full-recover of Baduk budget in 2024.

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