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Mr. Se-dol LEE said “People’s awe for credibility has disappeared since the advent of AI

Lee, Semi / 2024-07-15

Mr. Se-dol LEE, a legendaryprofessional Baduk player who competed with Google DeepMind’s artificialintelligence (AI) AlphaGo 8 years ago, said, “Since AI emerged, many thingsthat people were in awe of, including creativity, have disappeared.”

He said in an interview with the NewYork Times (NYT) on the 10th, “People used to be in awe of creativity,originality, and innovation. But since AI emerged, many of them havedisappeared.”

Mr. LEE faced Google DeepMind’s Badukartificial intelligence AlphaGo in 2016 and lost 1-4, which was a big shock inthe Baduk community at that time.

He was said to have found itdifficult to accept that he had been defeated by AlphaGo. According to NYT, whathe previously considered to be a form of art, an extension of the personalityand style of the article, are now abandoned for the relentless efficiency ofthe algorithm.

He also said, “I couldn’t enjoy Badukanymore after the loss, which is why I retired.”, adding, “People often talkabout choosing jobs that cannot be easily replaced by AI or less affected. Itis only a matter of time before AI exists everywhere.”

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